Multi-Channel Marketing

Strategic Consulting

DigiVerum uses database-driven marketing solutions to enable you to deliver the RIGHT message to the RIGHT customer at the RIGHT time through the RIGHT channel – whatever that channel may be.

DigiVerum's data-driven solutions give marketers the ability to deliver personalized messages more effectively and efficiently. Whether your organization is looking to boost email effectiveness, or determine if Social Media and Mobile Messaging are right for your brand, Concinnity understands the technology and strategy required to help you succeed.

Our multi-channel marketing service help you focus on what’s important – the consumer. We help you drive results by delivering personalized offers, through the channels your consumers prefer. Use multi-channel communications to maximize the profitability of each individual consumer by increasing customer satisfaction, loyalty, and lifetime value.

In addition, our highly experienced Account Team will work with you to ensure that you receive the most out of your marketing investment.